We are glad to inform that the three proceeding books of the ISC2022 (Formerly ICTSGA) have finally been published by Taylor & Francis. The publishers have the following message for the authors:
We are extremely sorry for delay in this project as this has taken lots of time on typesetting, re-adjusting and editing at our end, when we decided to bring three books from single conference proceeding. Entire process from beginning (to applying for fresh ISBNs) has been done for this project. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in this project and we are committed to finish other projects on time. I congratulate you on publishing these proceedings and look forward for long term association.
- Taylor & Francis India.
Engineering, Science, and Sustainability: Advancements in Technology and Techniques
PB 9781032484235
EB 9781003388982
DOI 10.4324/9781003388982
Emerging Trends and Innovations in Industries of the Developing World: A Multidisciplinary Approach
PB 9781032601038
EB 9781003457602
DOI 10.4324/9781003457602
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Development: Achieving the SDGs through Education, Wellbeing, and Innovation
PB 9781032601045
EB 9781003457619
DOI 10.4324/9781003457619
Please write to us for obtaining author copies : office@vectmag.com