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Publication Ethics

  1. Authorship: Authorship should be restricted to those who have significantly contributed to the design, execution, interpretation, and presentation of the study's concept. All authors must be clearly acknowledged.

  2. Originality: Submitted materials must be original, meeting rigorous scholarly standards, and cited appropriately using the designated referencing system.

  3. Data Integrity and Accessibility: All presented data should adhere to recognized ethical research norms. Authors should be prepared to provide access to their raw data upon the Editor's request.

  4. Correction of Errors: Authors are obliged to promptly notify the conference editor upon discovering significant errors or inaccuracies in their published work. They should cooperate with the editor to retract or rectify the paper.

  5. Communication: Authors should maintain effective communication with the editor as necessary. It is understood that the Editorial Board of VectMag holds the ultimate decision-making authority regarding publication.


Conference Malpractice Statement


The VectMag Conferences is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in all its activities. This Malpractice Statement outlines unacceptable behaviors and practices and describes the measures that will be taken to address any violations.


Unacceptable Practices

Plagiarism: Submitting work that is not original or failing to properly cite sources.

Data Fabrication and Falsification: Manipulating research data or results to present false findings.

Redundant Publication: Submitting the same research to multiple conferences or journals without proper disclosure.

Authorship Issues: Including individuals as co-authors who did not significantly contribute to the work or excluding those who did.

Conflict of Interest: Failing to disclose any financial or personal interests that might affect the research or its presentation.

Peer Review Manipulation: Undue influence or misconduct in the peer review process.

Harassment and Discrimination: Any form of harassment or discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, or other personal characteristics.

Misuse of Confidential Information: Using confidential information obtained during the review process for personal advantage.


Reporting and Investigation

Reporting: Any suspected malpractice should be reported to the conference organizers at . Reports can be made anonymously, but providing contact information is encouraged for follow-up purposes.

Investigation: All reported cases of malpractice will be thoroughly investigated by the Conference Ethics Committee. This committee will be composed of impartial members with no conflicts of interest.



If malpractice is confirmed, the following actions may be taken:

Rejection of Submission: The work in question will be removed from the conference program.

Ban from Future Conferences: Individuals involved in malpractice may be banned from future events organized by VectMag Conferences for an embargo period of 5 years.

Notification of Affiliations: The relevant institutions or employers may be informed of the malpractice.

Public Disclosure: In severe cases, a public statement may be issued to maintain the integrity of the conference.


Commitment to Ethical Standards

VectMag Conferences is committed to promoting ethical behavior and ensuring a fair and respectful environment for all participants. We encourage all attendees to uphold these values and report any unethical practices.


For any questions or further information, please contact .

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